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Peninsula Little League

News Detail


Feb, 2024

Score Keeper Training

Every Minors, Intermediate, and Juniors team needs at least four parents (or grandparents, teenage siblings, guardians, etc) to volunteer as Scorekeepers. 

What: Scorekeeper Training
Where: Cleator Park near the Snack Shack
When : Sunday, February 18th at 10:00am and Wednesday, February 21st at 4:30pm
Who: All Minors, Intermediate, and Juniors Parents
What to Bring: A lawn chair, a pen, and a positive attitude

Peninsula Little League's Head Scorekeeper will be providing Scorekeeper Training to teach volunteers how to keep score in the book and also on the iPad in the GameChanger app.  The two training sessions will be identical, and volunteers need only to attend one session.  Training will last about one hour.  

If you are a veteran scorekeeper, please attend the training to refresh your knowledge.  
If you have never kept score in a baseball game before, please attend the training so that you can volunteer for your team. 

If you are not going to be on the field during games as a Manager or Assistant Coach, your team needs you as a Scorekeeper!!! 
Please put this training on your calendar and plan
to attend! 

Teams that fail to provide a scorekeeper for their game will have to have an assistant coach or manager leave the field in order to keep score in the booth. 
Please attend the scorekeeper training and volunteer during games so the manager and assistant coaches can stay on the field to coach the players.  

Managers:  Please ensure at least four parents from 
your team attend the training!

For all questions, email Peninsula Head Scorekeeper

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Peninsula Little League

 PO Box 81684
San Diego, California 92138

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